Thursday, June 30, 2011

Good News for Bees and Beekeepers

California beekeepers harvested 27.5 million pounds of honey, up 134% from 2009.
Five years ago, bees across the country were dying by the thousands. Many beekeepers lost more than half their hives to CCD, Colony Collapse Disorder. While CCD is still a serious concern, many of the state's bee colonies have bounced back. This could be contributed to California's above-average rainfall which produced more of the honeybees' favorite native plants.
California bees are healthier and so is the honey production. Demand for honey has increased and retail prices have been climbing.
Over half of the honey is imported from other countries. But smaller crops in honey-producing countries such as India and Argentina are expected this year. There has been a continued federal crackdown on imported Chinese honey. Federal officials are working to stop the Chinese from circumventing U.S. tariffs by shipping honey through a different country. Unfortunately, China has a long track record of importing adulterated honey and engaging in other fraudulent conduct in the honey trade.
The honey industry is trying to raise awareness about imported honey by calling for a program to verify the origin of honey sold.
Reference: R.Rodriguez/ Fresno Bee

1 comment:

Sunny says... said...


Your blog looks so good...and so does that honey! I miss Laguna honey! I can't believe the roses--they're amazing! They'll love to see you upon your return!