Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter - New Chicks 2012

 It was time to get more chickens:
 Their first home is a cage inside the house,
When they are few weeks old they get moved to an old bird house outside but still have their warming light.

This is their playground before they join the other, older chickens. I also use this collapsible structure  inside the coop until the old and new chickens have gotten used to each other. I made it with 2 by1's wood, plastic screening and hinges from HD.
4 Ameraucanas, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Plymouth Rock and a couple that I have not had before, a Brahma and an Orpington. The plan was to get just four but I just couldn't resist . They are so cute!
The Brahma has feathers on its feet.

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